Tag Archives: Christian living

Is God Hiding His Will?

Post Author: Bill Pratt

Many Christians seem to think so.  Why else would they talk about finding God’s will as if it’s a game of hide-and-seek.  We’re told to listen to the still, small voice and to test a possible decision based on the peace we feel.  We’re told to pay attention to the hints God is giving us.  If we miss these hints, these unobtrusive suggestions, we will miss God’s will for our lives.

John MacArthur has this to say in his booklet, Found: God’s Will:

Some apparently think that God’s will is lost.  At least they say they are searching for it!  To them, God must appear to be a sort of divine Easter bunny who has stashed his will, like eggs, somewhere out of sight and sent us running through life trying to find it.  And He is up there saying, “You’re getting warmer!”

When one looks in the Bible to try and find this divine Easter bunny concept, it isn’t there.  When God wanted to communicate to a prophet, his message was almost always loud and clear.  He didn’t drop subtle hints over a long period of time, hoping his clueless prophets would finally figure out what he wanted them to do.  Can you imagine if Scripture had been inspired that way?

So how does God communicate to us what He wants us to do?  MacArthur answers:

Let’s begin with a simple assumption.  Since God has a will for us, He must want us to know it.  If so, then we could expect Him to communicate it to us in the most obvious way.  How would that be?  Through the Bible, His revelation.  Therefore, I believe that what one needs to know about the will of God is clearly revealed in the pages of the Word of God.  God’s will is, in fact, very explicit in Scripture.

There you have it.  The Bible is where God’s will is found.  Let’s start there instead of searching for the hidden Easter eggs everywhere else.