Does a Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of Our Universe? Part 2

We continue with J. Warner Wallace’s analysis of multiverse theories in his new book God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. The second reason multiverse theories fail to explain the origin of fine tuning is that rather than explaining the origin of fine tuning, the multiverse theory requires … Continue reading Does a Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of Our Universe? Part 2

Does a Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of Our Universe? Part 1

J. Warner Wallace, in his new book God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe, investigates the causes of the fine tuning of our universe. One of the most popular explanations is that there exists multiple universes (the multiverse) and ours is just lucky enough to have the fine … Continue reading Does a Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of Our Universe? Part 1

Has the Multiverse Killed Metaphysics (and God)?

Post Author: Bill Pratt If you believe a handful of famous physicists (e.g., Hawking, Mlodinow, and Smolin), the answer is yes. Multiverse theorists, like the three aforementioned physicists, posit a multiverse which contains numerous universes with different physical laws. According to Austin L. Hughes, in his article “The Folly of Scientism,”  these theorists hold that … Continue reading Has the Multiverse Killed Metaphysics (and God)?

Is the Multiverse Hypothesis Scientific Or Not? Part 2

Post Author: Bill Pratt In part 1 of this series, we learned that there are two versions of the multiverse hypothesis, level 1 and level 2.  The level 1 multiverse is non-controversial as it is basically an extension of our current universe in space.  The level 2 multiverse, however, makes much grander claims and is fraught with … Continue reading Is the Multiverse Hypothesis Scientific Or Not? Part 2

Is the Multiverse Hypothesis Scientific Or Not? Part 1

Post Author: Bill Pratt One of the most powerful arguments for God’s existence is the fine tuning argument.  Rather than rehearse it here, please read Wintery Knight’s presentation of the argument.  Many atheist scholars acknowledge the persuasiveness of this argument (e.g., philosopher Peter Millican did as much in his recent debate with William Lane Craig), … Continue reading Is the Multiverse Hypothesis Scientific Or Not? Part 1

Can Atheists Avoid a Cause of the Universe?

Post Author: Bill Pratt  That is exactly what Sean Carroll attempted to do in his recent debate with William Lane Craig. Here is what Carroll said: Why should we expect that there are causes or explanations or a reason why in the universe in which we live? It’s because the physical world inside of which … Continue reading Can Atheists Avoid a Cause of the Universe?