#7 Post of 2013 – You Might Be In a Cult If…

Post Author: Bill Pratt 

I watched a Dateline special the other night on the FLDS and the downfall of their “prophet,” who is now imprisoned for life. Here are some things I noticed about the FLDS that would apply to other cults as well. You might be in a cult if…

Your leaders tell you to never believe anything anyone says but them.

Your leaders tell you that everyone in the outside world are liars.

You are told to never question what your leadership tells you.

You are discouraged from reading any opinions about important topics outside your group.

You are told that certain things about reality that are obviously true are false.

You are discouraged from interacting with those who disagree with your beliefs.

You find yourself fearing or hating those who disagree with your beliefs.

You are absolutely 100% convinced that everything you’ve been taught by your leaders is true.

You believe that the more you learn on your own, the worse off you’ll be.

You believe that everyone outside your group has totally evil motives.

You have been told that even the smallest doubts about your beliefs will ultimately lead you to ruin.